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Latest Three Episodes

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Your Oxygen Mask First

You know how on airplanes the flight attendants do their thing on the oxygen masks: put your own oxygen mask on before you help others with theirs?  That resonates so profoundly with me.  If you are a “helper”, you CAN’T help anyone unless you help yourself first.  

Your Oxygen Mask First podcast is focused on improving the lives of those who live to help people and helping them live their own lives the best they can within the constraints of their work.  If you are a public safety professional or anyone who cares for others in a high-stress environment, this podcast is for you!  

We will delve into the depths of mental health, physical health and fitness, wellness, professional development, and improving relationships.  It may get heavy at times, but I promise we will all learn a lot and maybe have some fun in the meantime.

I hope you will join me on this journey!  If you like to connect and be part of the podcast, please fill out the form below. 

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